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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I'm not baptized as Lutheran, but can I still attend a service?

Absolutely! We welcome anyone who wishes to attend our services regardless of membership, race, age, personal beliefs, sexuality, or gender.

  • Where can I submit prayer requests (for myself or others), request service bulletins, or ask a question other than what is listed here?

You can submit written requests/questions using our "Contact Us" page, through our Facebook and Instagram accounts, or through our email ( For verbal requests and questions, please call (323) 721-0840 to speak with our secretary. Please note her current hours are M-F 10:30-12:30 and 1:30-3:30. You can also leave a message if you wish and she'll get back to you ASAP.

  • Are you currently holding in-person services? What are your plans to keep your congregation safe during the pandemic?

Yes! We are reopen for services on Sunday mornings at 9:30AM. We currently are not holding "children's church" but we do have bulletins for all ages that teach about the Gospel for that week. 


We have extra masks available to those who need them. At this time, although the CDC released a statement saying that fully vaccinated people can go without masks, we feel that it's safer for everyone for the time being to continue wearing them, especially when singing or within 6 ft of another person. We have hand sanitizer available and have arranged our seating to be more socially distant.  For communion, we are using pre-filled cups of grape juice that have a separate compartment for the wafer. The pastor for the week will do a blessing over all the cups and then invite the congregation to come up and receive them. We ask that you return to your seat before opening the cups and a trash can will be walked over to you for you to dispose of the cups.  For the sharing of the peace, we are greeting each other from our respective seats instead of shaking hands.

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